3 Critical Considerations For Quality Lobby Signs

3 Critical Considerations For Quality Lobby Signs

Today’s post reviews research on the value of quality lobby signs, then shares 3 tips from our Carrollton team to optimize your lobby sign design and installation.

The Value Of Lobby Signs In Carrollton, Texas

According to Forbes, businesses have approximately 7 seconds to make a first impression on visitors. That isn’t enough time to charm your new contact, talk up your history of success, or trot out your best products—but it’s more than enough time for them to spot your lobby signs.

Like it or not, lobby signs speak volumes about your brand. Make sure they say the right things. Quality lobby signs convey professionalism, attention to detail, and modernity, and they ought to clue your visitor into what your brand’s all about. On the flip side, low-quality lobby signs scream trouble; they might as well read WARNING!

Thus, if you want to make a strong first impression with your business, give your lobby signs some love. After all, they’re among the first things visitors see when entering your business. Plenty of research has shown quality lobby signs improve brand image, which in turn ups sales—lobby signs were even listed among Budelmann et al. (2010)’s Brand Identity Essentials: 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands.

But hotel and retail business owners aren’t the only ones who stand to profit from quality lobby signs. A 2019 study by the International Journal of Educational Management looked at the different ways that the University of North Texas creates competitive advantage in order to stand out in the competitive higher education landscape. Among the strategies listed by Panda et al. (2019), bolstering brand image via quality lobby signs during orientation was found to be a highly cost-effective strategy for increasing students’ level of satisfaction and perception of university trustworthiness.

Put simply, lobby signs boost your brand reputation in all industry settings, which translates to better sales, postsecondary enrollment, and audience engagement with other marketing materials. They’re a valuable business asset that deserve to be done right—and that’s where SignCraft and Graphics can help. Read on for some beginner-friendly design and installation tips and find out how to get a free quote in Carrollton, Texas.

Critical Considerations For Better Lobby Sign Design

  1. Lobby sign contents. Lobby signs aren’t meant to detail products and services, promote big sales, or recount your company history. In fact, they usually contain little more than the company name and logo. Leave all that other stuff up to the rest of your signage system and focus on building a strong brand image instead.
  2. Lobby sign lighting. Illuminating lobby signs is a great way to grab attention. LED signs, 3D illuminated letters (front-lit, face-lit, side-lit, or back-lit), and neon signs all have unique pros and cons that a SignCraft and Graphics specialist can help you understand.
  3. Lobby sign placement. Obviously, you want to avoid obstructing your lobby sign with filing cabinets, potted plants, and customer queues, but a lot more goes into perfect placement than that. For instance, depending on your lighting, sign color, and materials, you may want to avoid mounting your lobby sign in direct sunlight. Lobby signs also need to weave seamlessly into the rest of your sign system. And if you’re using illuminant media, you’ll probably need to be set up near a power source. Don’t worry: SignCraft and Graphics offers complete lobby sign installation support.

Professional Lobby Sign Design Quotes In Carrollton, Texas

Email info@signcraftandgraphics.com or call us directly at 972-428-3200 to schedule a free lobby sign design consultation with our in-house experts and get a free quote.


Panda, S., Pandey, S. C., Bennett, A., & Tian, X. (2019). University brand image as competitive advantage: a two-country study. International Journal of Educational Management. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Swati_Panda3/publication/329976752_University_brand_image_as_competitive_advantage_a_two_country_study/links/5c619267299bf1d14cbe8e60/University-brand-image-as-competitive-advantage-a-two-country-study.pdf



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