LED Light Issues: Reduce Costs & Combat Light Pollution

Digital And LED Sign Guide: Cut Costs And Fight Light Pollution

Thinking of buying digital and LED signs for your business? Best go pro—even a small amount of light pollution can turn powerful, high-end signage into an energy-sucking eyesore.

Read on to learn more about the dangers of digital and LED sign pollution, and find out how our team can steer your business clear of these hidden costs, or call (972)-428-3200 to start a free consultation straight away.

The Dangers Of Digital And LED Sign Light Pollution In Carrollton, TX

What is digital and LED sign light pollution, and what makes it so bad for your business?

In one study by the Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, author Philip Garvey defines three types of digital and LED sign light pollution:

  1. Sky glow is a kind of light pollution characterized by “added sky brightness,” caused by the “scattering of electric light into the atmosphere.” It is most common with lights directed above the horizontal plane, known as uplight, or by light bouncing up off of reflective surfaces.
  2. Light trespass is a technical term for any light that creeps onto neighboring properties or public spaces, “causing annoyance, loss of privacy, or other nuisance.”
  3. Glare is known formally as “the sensation produced by luminance within the visual field that is sufficiently greater than the luminance to which the eyes are adapted.” Most of us have experienced glare at one point or another, whether out on the water or on the wrong end of somebody’s high-beams, and we can all agree when Garvey says it causes “annoyance, discomfort, or loss in visual performance and visibility.”

Though they’re all distinct, all three forms of light pollution can hurt your brand image, making your sign more of an eye-sore than an eye-grabber, according to new research on consumer perceptions of illuminated retail signs.

Light pollution costs you money, too, not only in terms of its effects on visibility and brand reputation, but also in the form of digital and LED sign operating costs. And with studies suggesting that store lighting and signage already accounts for approximately 40% of commercial electricity usage, the last thing you need to be doing is paying extra for light pollution!

Finally, light pollution violates the City of Carrollton’s Sign Regulations, which prohibits:

  • Excessive glare that constitutes a hazard or nuisance to traffic
  • Moving, flashing, blinking, or intermittent light
  • Beacons or revolving lights
  • Digital and LED signs that change colors

If your digital and LED signs create light pollution, you could have to pay penalties for violating municipal ordinances, along with any corresponding administrative fees, inspection fees, and court citations.

Call (972)-428-3200 or book a free sign consultation online to learn more and start browsing our catalog straight away.

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