Research Review: How Indoor Signs Drive Sales In Carrollton, TX

Research Review: How Indoor Signs Drive Sales In Carrollton, TX

Multiple studies have shown that indoor signs drive sales, but how? Today’s post reviews the research and highlights some of the ways indoor sales enhance your earnings.

Read on or call (972)-428-3200 to speak directly with an indoor sign designer in Carrollton, TX.

How Indoor Signs Drive Sales: A Research Review

Indoor Signs Spread Awareness Of Quality Products In Carrollton

You might carry the best products in the world, but you won’t make a single sale unless people know about it. That’s where your indoor sign system makes all the difference, as these silent salespeople work around-the-clock to inform shoppers about what’s on-offer.

Research by the Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) bears this out.

During the fall semester, SIUC administrators implemented the Saluki Select Healthy Eating Program to curb unhealthy eating habits on campus, and researchers jumped at the opportunity to measure the impacts that indoor signs had on students’ food choices.

The study was laid out as follows. First, a two week “control” period would be carried out, during which no indoor signs would be used to advertise the new healthy food program’s offerings and benefits. Following the control period, indoor signs detailing menu choices and health benefits would be placed around the Student Center in strategic locations. By comparing the sales receipt from these two distinct periods and controlling for variables, the research team could determine the effects indoor signs had on students’ purchase decisions.

At the end of the study, results showed that indoor signs greatly “increased awareness of Saluki Select foods,” which boosted sales of all healthier food choices compared to the control group, and, presumably, improved the health of students on-campus (Hoffman, 2011).

So what’s the bottom line? Indoor signs increased product awareness, giving owners some measure of control over which products they choose to “push,” even when they’re busy doing something else. Thus, if you’ve got some product gathering dust and approaching an expiry date, or perhaps you just received a new shipment that promises big profit margins, use indoor signs to alert your audiences and get them interested in what you have to offer.

Indoor Signs Send Critical Retail Cues And Influence Buyer Behavior

In an intriguing study by Emerald Group Publishing, researchers sought to measure the impacts that simple non-verbal floor graphics had on buyer behaviors.

In this case, the indoor sign design was as simple as it gets—just a red triangle pointing in the direction of certain merchandise. Red was specifically chosen because “this color tends to produce arousing, emotional responses,” but beyond that, the sign design left plenty of room for improvement.

Research Review: How Indoor Signs Drive Sales in Carrollton, TX

Even a simple indoor sign like this can drastically affect sales and influence buyer behavior.

With this simple indoor sign in place at one store, and another “control store” set up with a similar layout, but no indoor sign, the study was ready to begin. Monitoring customer behavior through ceiling cameras, the research team found “floor signage significantly affected customers movement patterns,” with more customers walking down the aisle with an indoor sign, and more spontaneous purchases being made when the indoor sign was present (Nordfält et al., 2014).

The research team concluded that indoor signs can draw customers towards merchandise and deeper into shopping aisles, which may be particularly useful for promoting products that are tough to find. And all that with a simple red triangle—just imagine how much you can influence your customers with a pro indoor sign design!

Get A Free Quote On Indoor Sign Design In Carrollton, TX

To book a free consultation and take advantage of the proven power of indoor sign promotions, call (972)-428-3200 or fill out our online contact form to request a callback at your convenience.


Hoffman, A. P. (2011). Effect of signage and suggestive selling on sales of healthy food options in a university setting. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

Nordfält, J., Grewal, D., Roggeveen, A. L., & Hill, K. M. (2014). Insights from in-store marketing experiments. In Shopper marketing and the role of in-store marketing. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

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